Preparedness reimagined
Rooted Lane is a modern approach to preparedness curated for busy families. A place where we bring on the experts, get back to the basics, and connect to a life of abundance, learning, and purposeful living.
Just like wildflowers are able to adapt and bloom in a variety of climates, the knowledge and skills acquired at Rooted Lane will leave you feeling capable, confident, and standing beautifully strong wherever you are planted.
Come take a stroll down Rooted Lane!
Our goal is to inspire learning, self-reliance, and the gift of tapping into your unique power.
Believe that you can accomplish or learn anything that you want to. We are here to cheer you on and walk with you as you walk down the lane of betterment towards a more empowered and capable version of yourself. With the help of experts, you'll be sure to gain something that will help you along the way.
We LOVE: wildflowers, in-n-out, disneyland, beaches, mountains, and a good laugh
The country > the city
Just us?
a field full of flowers is the epitome of beauty
Beach vacations reset our souls
Give us all the animals. Dogs, Cows, Goats, Chickens - we'll Take them all